
Your 2024 Disability Horoscopes (The Squeaky Wheel)

I gave up my fish tail for human legs but Harry Styles still rejected me. Then he stole my look for his new music video.(The Haven)

Find the Best Swimsuit for Your Evacuation Type This Flood Season (Weekly Humorist)

How Having Lyme Disease Made Me Appreciate the Time Before I Had Lyme Disease (The Squeaky Wheel)

If New York City Neighborhoods Were Iconic Harry Styles Outfits (Betches)

QUIZ! Which March Sister are You? (and which weapon should you use on anyone who says you aren’t Jo?) (Jane Austen’s Wastebasket)

This Disabled Woman Used Yoga and Positive Affirmations to Transform her Crippled Body Riddled with Pain into a Mythical Creature with the Head of a Chicken and Wings of a Falcon (But Still Riddled with Pain)

I Don’t Believe In Labels, And Neither This Chick I’m Boinking Nor My Severe Nut Allergy Can Change That (Slackjaw)

How to tell if your boyfriend is a man or just a very opaque ghost (Belladonna)

Pfizer announces new 20% more expensive ‘Pink Vaccine’ for women (News Thump)

Woman Announces Virtual Library Tour Of Dick Pics Collected During Quarantine (Little Old Lady Comedy)

Eight Natural and Definitely Not Agonising Ways to Heal Depression (The Squeaky Wheel)


🤒 Sick Bae

Sick Bae is a sketch team centering folks with chronic illness and disabilities (which includes all invisible disabilities) who want to use humor to talk about their experiences in the world of health and wellness.

Living with a chronic illness or disability can be challenging but it’s not tragic. We’re here to turn inspiration porn into witty scorn.

Over 1 billion people worldwide live with some form of disability and this number is increasing. Yet, people with disabilities are rarely asked for their opinions on how healthcare systems are run.

For all the traditional doctors, natural healers, and extraterrestrial beings – here’s our unsolicited feedback form.

To your doctor who says, “Just take Advil for the pain,” to your friend who says, “Have you tried celery juice?,” and to your boss who says “But, you don’t look sick” – we’ve got a sketch for that.

We’re here for those moments when you are all out of spoons and want to Sick Bae & Chill, or for when you need to educate your aunt who told you “God wouldn’t give you something you can’t handle” – we’ll be your passive aggressive messenger service.

Because, as we all know, humor helps the medicine go down.

Other Sketch

Cursed! (Play)

WINNER: Best in Series: Family Fringe (Hamilton Fringe Festival 2023)

Jessie has always had bad luck. It runs in her family. So it’s no surprise that when she tags along on her parent’s archaeological dig to the Roman Baths, she discovers a curse tablet that awakens the ancient gods. With Hermes as her guide, Jessie embarks on a musical adventure to the underworld to face the past and change her luck for good.

Breakup Time Machine (Short Film)

Max is a modern independent woman. So why did her boyfriend who, if we’re being honest, doesn’t have a whole lot going on, break up with her? Max will do whatever it takes to find out. Even if it means breaking the rules of time travel which, as she’s repeatedly warned, could have dire consequences.

Directed by Krista Rowe (Best Canadian Female Filmmaker, Toronto Women Film Festival in 2021) and starring Megan Phillips (Ed Mirvish Entrepreneurial Award, Best of Fringe 2015, Patron’s Pick 2015) my screenwriting debut has wrapped shooting and will be going into post Spring 2023!